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Prof. Dato' Dr Rashila Ramli | Director, Institute of Malaysia & International Studies (IKMA

Specialisation: Global Governance, Human Security, Gender and Politics

Biography: EDUCATION:

  • PHD in Political Science, Northern Arizona University- 1995

  • MBA in Management, Northern Arizona University- 1987

  • Sc. Chemistry, Western Illinois University- 1984


  • Promoting Social Inclusion through Public Policies (2014-2016)

  • Youth Language My Culture (2015-2020)

  • Human Security in Asia-Pacific (2009-2013)

  • Gender, Governance and Political Participation in Asia Pacific (2006-2009) - Principal Researcher

  • Rural Women and Development (2001-2003) - Principal Researcher


Akademika (1998-2005) Journal of International Relations (UUM): 2004-present)

REVIEWS: Akademika, Third World Quarterly (TWR)


  1. Rashila Ramli , Sity Daud, Zarina Othman. 2015. Human Security in Archipelagic Southeast Asia. Bangi: UKM Press

  2. Rashila Ramli and Nor Azizan Idris. 2013. Keselamatan Insan di Malaysia dan Indonesia: Dari Pemerdagangan Manusia ke Pemanasan Global. Bangi: UKM Press

  3. Rashila Ramli and Saliha Hassan. 2009. “Women and Political Development in Malaysia: New Millenium, New Politics.” In Jamilah Ariffin (pytn). Readings on Women and Development in Malaysia-A Sequel tracing four Decades of Change . Kuala Lumpur: MPH Press, pp 71-98.

  4. Rashila Ramli. 2008 Pemerkasaan Wanita dalam Politik Malaysia: Pengamatan dan Analisis. Jurnal Kajian Politk dan Masalah Pembangunan (Indonesia). 4(1): 185-194.

  5. Rashila Ramli. 2008. Southeast Asia Assoc. For Gender Studies -Malaysian Chapter: Bridging the Gap between Academicians and Practitioners. In Cecilia Ng and Rashidah Shuib. A Profile of Women and Gender Studies in Malaysia. Penang: KANITA/USM, 55-60.

  6. Rashila Ramli. 2007. “Gender dan Politik Antarabangsa: Keselamatan untuk siapa?” In Ramdan Panigoro (ed.) Isu dan permasalahan Politik dan Budaya. Bandung: UNPAD-UKM, 313 - 312

  7. Rashila Ramli. 2007. “Malaysia-Japan Relations: The Role of Bureaucracy in National development” In Ronald Holes (ed.) Diplomatic Relations between Japan and Southeast Asia.Philippines: PSSRC, 40-59.

  8. Rashila Ramli , 2006, Women`s Leadership in the Era of Globalisation: Opening Doors of Opportunities , Journal Of Social Sciences Research (Japan). (59)18: 51-69.

  9. Rashila Ramli. 2004. Malaysian Youth: From Government policies to Grassroots Aspirations” In F. Gale and S. Fahey (eds.) Youth in Transition: The challenges of generational Change in Asia.” Bangkok: UNESCO, 5-19.

Rashila Ramli, 2003 . The Multiple Roles of Rural Women during the 1999 Election: The Case of FELDA J8 , In Francis Loh Kok Wah dan Johan Saravanamuttu New Politics in Malaysia . Singapore: ISEAS, 129-140.

Qualifications PhD (Political Science), Northern Arizona University; MBA (Management), Northern Arizona University; BSc (Chemistry), Western Illinois University.

Areas of Research Global Governance, Human Security, Gender and Politics

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